Wednesday, September 25, 2013


First Day of School... and then some.

So far I love all of my classes. I am taking a music history course exploring Mahler and his philosophy and music in Vienna, a music theory and rhetoric course, a musicology internship, more German and private lessons and a music workshop. I am blessed to be so challenged and to have such interesting material to learn for the semester. 

My first few voice lessons have been great. I am working through a few technique issues and I can already feel an improvement in the way singing feels and sounds. 

On the break that happened recently I did a whole lot of chilling. Although some of the highlights were Carmen at the Staatsoper, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich Concert, a trip to the Music Composers graves, Dirndln shopping, and learning were I can purchase 50 different flavors of pop tarts. 

Also Otello at the Staatsoper was to die for! So far it has been my favorite performance of all the Operas I have seen this season. And there was a niffy tour that happened last night in the Museum Quarter for free. It was a modern, living art thing. There were 7 stops on the tour: a African spiritual choir, Scottish bagpipes, modern dance presentation in a hospital, Norwegian Folk band, 21st century classical music, Football choreographed dance, and the last stop was a punk rock party filled with people in fancy clothes, lots of confetti and a splash zone of popping champagne bottles. It was crazy awesome and only could happen HERE in Vienna. I am so glad that I came here to study and learn all that I could about music and culture and also about myself.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Third Week of Intensive German, Registration, Staring Contests and The Gathering

I cannot believe I am almost all the way through intensive German. It has been...intense. Finals are on Friday and I can't help but feel uneasy about it. I have completed my homework to the best of my ability and finished my quizzes, but somehow I don't feel like I retain the information to well.

On a sixteenth note I have registered for my classes for the semester. I am taking a course in Mahler, Music Theory, Performance Workshop, Voice Lessons, More German, and the Musicology Internship. I also have plans to see all of the Operas, including Wagner's Ring Cycle in its entirety (I am will be getting standing room tickets y'all). I also am excited for all of the learning and music making and collaboration with my fellow musicians (who are crazy talented). 

On lower note, I won a staring contest with a complete stranger on the U-ban. Now before you judge me, this is a normal thing in Austria. Apparently, natives just stare at people. It's a thing, don't even think twice about it. So in my orientation, the program directors warned us of this oddity. There was a few comedic moments that followed this revelation and then one of the directors said "Just stare back at them, that's what Austrians do. Just don't smile, Austrian's don't smile at strangers. Unless they are trying to hit on you." So now I have made it my personal mission to win. all. of. the. staring. contests. ever.

On a higher note, we had a gathering at our house this past Friday. Now it wasn't a party, because Austrians don't have house parties; they go out to bars or clubs because there is a city-wide quiet hours at 10pm. The idea was to have a game night and play cards against humanity and relax with a drink or two. 

So it started out small with my seven roommates. Then we added our three brass-playing bros from another apartment. Cool that's not too bad. And of course the girl from upstairs who is super cool and I love her awesome wit (Jessica you're awesome). The there was Julies Boyfriend Ben, who is really funny. With Ben comes Matt, their mutual best friend from their home-school. And I invited, or rather I asked Julie to invite because I never see the guy, a pianist named John because he is pretty chill, very nice, and knows a lot about music, which is my favorite topic to discuss at gatherings. The total is now at 14. And somehow another violinist showed up for our gathering and to this day I have no idea where he came from, (but it didn't matter because he is actually super nice).

Our small game night gathering of 15 quickly escalated into a mild party. 

And it was awesome.

People were enjoying themselves, telling stories and jokes. A moderate amount of Alcohol was consumed (and all of the recycling was taken down before midnight). John played piano 3 of my roommates and I sang with him accompanying. Other people played piano. There was a gigantic round of cards against humanity. And it was all finished by midnight, the kitchen was cleaned before we went to bed, and everyone made it home safely to their own beds. 

Overall, not my style of a Friday Night, but it was a nice change and was so glad that I was open to allowing this experience to happen. 

Now, will we have gatherings every Friday night? Hell no. But once in a while is nice.