Earlier this week, I went the Naschmark and bought groceries in one of Vienna's biggest open markets. The food was super fresh and delicious. So fresh in fact that two of my roommates found worms inside their fruit. I got ripped off when purchasing nuts. But the biggest faux paux of the trip was the mystery meat.
I feel the need to try new foods now that I am in a foreign country. This is certainly a noble endeavor. However, as my roommates have advised me after the fact, one should know exactly what they are eating. I purchased meat at he Naschmarkt. I thought it was bacon or some other kind of lunch meat. However when I opened it up and started to cook it, I realized it didn't smell familiar.
Then one of my roommates chimes in, "Hey, that looks like cow tongue; my mother used to make it all the time." So we googled what cow tongue looked like and it didn't quite look like what was in my frying pan. I tried to dig the packaging out o the garbage container and locate what it was called. Well the packaging didn't say what it was. So to this day, I have no idea what kind of exotic meat it was that I bought that day.
The moral of the story is this: Alicia is not allowed to go grocery shopping by herself--ever.
Yesterday was the vocal auditions for placement in the music workshop. I felt very good about my audition. I was content with my diction, technique and tone. As it turns out there are many very talented musicians and I am honored to have the opportunity to work with them, and grow as musicians together with such wonderful people.
Afterwards everyone decided to go out to an event put on by our resident assistants. We were going to locos (a bar) for loco Wednesdays. Because my roommates and I are all auditioning for the music workshop we all went later than our fellow participants in the European Culture and society section.
Navigating the U-ban as I-don't-know-that-much-german speakers is super interesting. We called our R.A. (who was apparently in Italy at the time and we had no idea) several times in trying to get to where we needed to go. Then we arrive and enter our first encounter with local Austrians.
Apparently I have no idea how to order drinks in German. Also my rommie got hit on by this one random guy who was dancing in our area. I was cracking up because she was very unsuccessful in trying to display her disinterest. And then later in the evening I was hit on by that guys wingman and the interaction was interesting. The conversation follows:
Me: Wie heisst du?
Him: mumble drunkenly auf Deutsch about loving all kinds of women
Me: nervous laughter
Him: Wie alt bist du?
Me: Zweiundzwanzig jahre alt.
Him: Zweiunddreissig?
Me: Nein. Zwansig, zweiundzwansig.
Him: 22. Shit your young.
Me: How old do I look?
Him: I am 28 so...
And that was my first interaction with the locals.
Moral of the story: Dress down at bars so I don't get mistaken for an old woman.
On a happier note, I received a musicology internship through my program and am super stoked about it. My roommate is also participating in the internship which is mega cool.
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